The cultural journalist Javier Moreno reflects on the reasons why we use “the peninsula” to refer to continental Spain. Go to download The issue arose this Friday during the course of La Llamada de Actualidad del Espejo Canario. It was raised why we Canarians call it “the peninsula” and not “Spain” when we refer to continental Spain. Moreno points out that using “Spain” could be contraindicated, except for those who think, or want to think, that the Canary Islands are not part of Spain. But, on the other hand, “the peninsula” does not include the Balearic Islands, which are not part of the continental shelf. But, in turn, it includes Portugal, which is not part of Spain. Moreno remembers that names, such as “Spain” or “Peninsula” are the minimum units of language and, also, of thought. With names we refer to already existing objects, in order to be able to talk about them without them being present. But, at the same time, names can make objects exist, and from there arises “the power of words.” Varicose veins: a medical problem that goes far beyond aesthetics Legs Legs Dr. Jennifer Berjón, head of the Angiology and Vascular Surgery service at San Roque University Hospitals, explains the benefits of surgical intervention with the Chiva technique.
Go to download Venous insufficiency, whose most obvious manifestation is varicose veins, but which also causes other symptoms such as swelling or fatigue in the lower extremities, is not only an aesthetic problem, but, above all, a medical problem that must be evaluated and treat, according to Dr. Jennifer Berjón. Genetic component and aggravating factors The doctor points out that in this pathology there is a very important genetic or family component that is reinforced by aging, a sedentary lifestyle and being overweight. Due to WhatsApp Number List hormonal factors, it is more common for women to suffer from it. “It is not an aesthetic problem, but rather a pathology that must be treated appropriately,” says Berjón, who points out that one of the most effective treatments is surgery through an outpatient intervention, in which the patient returns home. the same. The Chiva technique This is the Chiva technique (outpatient hemodynamic venous insufficiency surgery), which preserves the veins and is less aggressive, allowing for a faster recovery. Preparation for the intervention begins with performing an ultrasound, which creates a map of the limb and determines the channels through which blood flow can be guaranteed. After the intervention, the patient should wear light elastic compression, which facilitates a much faster recovery. After five or ten years, and only in some cases, another varicose vein may appear in the same limb, but these tend to be much more benign and have less risk of forming thrombi.

Emalsa implements a safe and healthy work environment Woman working Woman working Luis Peraita, deputy director of HR and head of the company's Health and Safety Area, thanks the workers for their efforts during the pandemic. Go to download The water supply company in the municipalities of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and Santa Brígida has implemented a safe and healthy work environment to face the covid-19 pandemic, according to Luis Peralta. Contingency plan At the beginning of the health crisis, specifically on March 12, the company implemented a contingency plan with a new work organization, including the isolation and autonomy of work teams in critical positions, suspension of practices and regulation of capacity in the company's offices. Likewise, a crisis cabinet was formed with the works council. New teleworking modalities were also implemented for a third of the staff, “which is the best thing that Covid has brought,” a system that, Peraita points out, has worked very well. Thus, a “resolutely safe” environment has been achieved, as demonstrated by the fact that workers were able to return to face-to-face activity on October 12 thanks to the implementation of protocols and the placement of separation screens, as well as all types of elements for personal protection. In the coming days, the start of specific prevention training against covid-19 aimed at workers is planned. Safety and health certification Emalsa has recently obtained the ISO 45001 occupational health and safety certification, which has meant “a very great effort on the part of the company and all the workers.