Psychoanalytic therapy is an approach recommended in several cases, including for the treatment of mental health issues, such as: Depression; Phobias; Anxiety; Post-traumatic stress syndrome; Panic attacks; Low self-esteem; Sexual problems; Eating disorders; Addictions. However, it is important to emphasize that there is no one better than the professional in the field to identify whether psychoanalysis is the most appropriate line for each case. It is not necessary to have a mental health issue to be treated, such as anxiety or depression, to opt for psychoanalysis. The approach is very useful for anyone who wants to develop a deep understanding of their unconscious and internal motivators. The process requires commitment and willingness, after all, it is usually long and, like everything that involves self-knowledge, it is not always pleasant, but it is worth it for anyone willing to experience the journey. What are the differences between psychoanalysis and psychotherapy? It is a very common question to wonder what makes psychoanalysis and psychotherapy different.
Psychotherapy is a form of therapy always conducted by a professional trained in psychology, regardless of the approach chosen for its performance. Furthermore, it is important to understand that psychotherapy is any treatment carried out using psychological methods and foundations. Various audiences can be served, for example, with couples or children’s therapy. All forms of psychotherapy have one thing in Brazil Phone Number Data common, which is the fact that they use words as their main tool. There is what we call suggestion or advice from the psychologist. Psychotherapy, therefore, is aimed at changing the way a person sees themselves and relates to the world in order to be able to apply strategies to cope with their fears and insecurities. Psychoanalysis, in turn, is carried out by a professional who has training in psychoanalysis and, to work, does not necessarily need to have completed a degree in psychology. The focus is always on helping people explore their own unconscious, as it is based on the idea that human beings are not led by reason.

The different schools of thought in psychoanalysis When we are talking about psychoanalysis, it is important to remember that there is not just one line of thought. Even though Freud was the creator of the first concepts, there are other scholars who contributed new views within the area. Check out more details about the main schools of thought in psychoanalysis: Freud The father of psychoanalysis studied and proposed the concepts of unconscious, drive and repression, bringing a new type of treatment for neuroses. The focus in the classical Freudian clinic is listening to thoughts, fantasies and dreams. Everything is analyzed, even silence. The role of the psychoanalyst is to question and propose interpretations so that the patient can make their own reflections as well. Furthermore, the analyst's behavior is more neutral and sober. Lacan The theory constructed by Jacques Lacan emphasizes the construction of the “self” and the linguistic structure, stating that, in order to understand an individual, it is necessary to understand him as a whole.