Which elements belong on the home page A convincing appearance not only includes pretty pictures and crisp intro texts, but you should also convey to the user what makes you special and what makes you stand out from the crowd. logo Of course, your website logo should definitely not be missing. It is located on the start page and all subpages in the header area at the top left or in the middle. Definitely not on the right! The logo is also the gateway to your homepage. Even from the deepest depths of your website, a click on the logo always takes the user to your homepage! Claim and/or welcome text (optional).
You get to the heart of your mission with a catchy claim: “There is always India Car Owner Phone Number List something to do” (Hornbach) or “The Health Insurance Fund” (AOK) sticks with the user. In combination with your logo, your claim ensures a recognition effect. A greeting text (“Welcome Blurb”) can also be useful. Instead of saying “Welcome to our website,” you should think of something more these days: introduce your company or the purpose of your website in one sentence. Simple, but meaningful. Welcome text on the homepage that explains the purpose of the website More than blah: erklarvideo.de sums up what it offers the user in its welcome sentence.

You should place the search field at the top of the page, ideally on the right side at the height of the logo. (Of course, this doesn’t just apply to the home page.) USPs In my blog post about unique selling points (USPs), I have already explained why you need USPs and how they can convince your user. It's best to name three of your most meaningful features in the header area of your home page. But even if you don't mention your USPs in the header (well-known brands in particular often do without them), you should at least know them yourself and include them elsewhere: for example in the homepage text, on the landing pages or in a product banner.