It also makes a backup copy of your site's content periodically to ensure that your data is not lost, in addition to being always ready to maintain any unexpected problem affecting the servers, or to confront any hacking attempt. These services provided vary according to the hosting you choose, which we will discuss during this article, which deals with the types of hosting. Read also: How to choose a hosting company.
There are 6 basic types of hosting that you should know: The first Chinese Europe Phone Number List type: Shared Hosting It is simply distributing one server to a large number of users, and it is the most widely used and common type of hosting among website owners. If you are still at the beginning and are looking for the best choice for your site at the present time, or you are looking for the most economical solution to make your site available to visitors, then shared hosting is definitely the best for you. This is because shared hosting provides you with many features at a very low price compared to other hosting. When you subscribe to that hosting, you share the cost with others on the same server.

You cannot afford a lot of costs, and also because you do not need huge or huge hosting capabilities. Shared hosting is also characterized by ease of control and management, as it comes with a cPanel control panel that allows beginners to perform many complex operations with ease. You will also find it with many specifications and prices that are sure to suit your site in its infancy. But this hosting has some disadvantages. Because it is based on a large number of users sharing the same server, this makes them affected by each other. Any technical problem will put all the sites on the server at risk. They are also not the most secure and robust options, and if your website grows and visits increase.