Therefore even going beyond the keywords themselves you need to try to understand why someone is searching for what they are If you just focus on keywords you may initially rank highly for your desired words and phrases but once users start to realize your content isnt as relevant as they assumed it to be you wont stay in those positions for very long Mistake Ignoring Mobile Traffic of your traffic these days is coming from mobile devices like smartphones and tablets and make no mistake that isnt a trend that is slowing down Therefore you need to consider
the mobile friendliness of your page alongside all the other SEO best practices For the best results make sure that your website A is responsive on all types of devices and B that it loads as quickly as possible on mobile connections Google has already Lebanon Phone Number Data indicated that these are important factors towards determining page rankings which means that whether you like it or not you must consider them important too Mistake Assuming Its Still Finally one of the biggest mistakes that most businesses make when it comes to SEO involves if were still living in an era that has long since passed
Search engine optimization is in an almost constant state of evolution meaning that the best practices of even five years ago will be woefully inadequate today Users behaviors are constantly changing and its in Googles best interest to change with them which is why the tech giant changes their algorithm countless times per year Therefore SEO is not something you do once and forget about Even if your page ranks highly initially if you allow it to grow stagnant meaning if you dont return to it and embrace whatever the modern SEO best practices are of the moment you will soon find yourself left behind by your savvier competitors.