So what was it that attracted so many users? Listening Mind Hubble, Top 10 keyword searches including ‘Apptech’ We were able to confirm that the monthly search volume was high in the following order: ‘Walking App Tech (2,033)’, ‘Attendance Check App Tech (1,183)’, and ‘Survey App Tech (980)’. We were able to confirm that walking app technology was something that many users were interested in. When looking at brands, it was confirmed that 'Monimo Apptech (1,600)', 'Toss Apptech (1,156)', and 'Facebook Apptech (673)' were the highest in that order. We can see that there is a need for app technology, mainly through finance-related apps. Cash Walk, the powerhouse of app tech Among the reward apps, the one with the highest search volume was Cash Walk. Cash Walk started with a money-making pedometer and expanded into various reward forms such as money-making quizzes and Cash Docs.
Why is Cash Walk’s search volume so high? . Listening Mind Hubble, Top 10 keyword Cambodia Phone Number Data searches including ‘Cashwalk’ The keywords that had a higher search volume than the 'Cash Walk (690,100)' brand keyword were 'Cash Walk Money Making Quiz Answers (6,262,700),' 'Cash Walk Answers (1,888,300),' and 'Cash Walk Money Making Quiz (916,866)'. In other words, you can see that the intent of the search to find the correct answer to the Cash Walk money-making quiz was very high. Recommendation of AppTech app for government-supported projects The app tech craze can also be seen in government-supported projects. Now, let’s take a look at what apps are available. Wrist Doctor 9988 Listening Mind Hubble, change in search volume for ‘Wrist Doctor 9988’ Wrist Doctor 9988 is a health management project run by Seoul City that records pedometers, exercise, and diet, and provides points when goals are achieved.

This is AppTech where you can cash out with Seoul Pay Money. The total search volume for keywords related to Wrist Doctor 9988 is 800,919, and the 3-month average search volume is 22,273. Looking at the search patterns, we could see that the search volume increased significantly in December and January, the business application period. The most common searches were in the 30s, 40s, and 50s. Economical transportation card AppTech, another government-supported project, is an economical transportation card. The economical transportation card is part of a public transportation subsidy project that allows you to record departure and arrival on the app and accumulate a certain amount of mileage to receive a payback in cash.