The social network is guided by what it knows about each of us. We provide some of the information ourselves during registration. And the algorithm calculates everything else based on our behavior on its pages: what groups we are in, who we follow, who our friends are, what kind of publications attract our attention, etc. Find out which IT professions are in the TOP with income starting from , ₽ month The GeekBrains team, together with international career development specialists, has prepared materials that will help you get started on the path to your dream profession.
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mb doc .mb Already downloaded pdf icon Targeted advertising works with a “colder” audience that is clearly not looking for anything, but may be interested in a particular product service because it fits social metrics. The conclusion suggests itself: there are key differences between contextual and targeted advertising. The latter precisely reaches the users of the target audience (from the English target - goal), and the contextual one acts “according to the situation”. There are even more differences among their functions: content and format, setup features, payment principles, audience, lead generation and overall return from the advertising campaign, analytics, etc.