Subscribers can't be wrong You don't want to miss any of our posts and stay up to date? Subscribe to our newsletter now and receive every new Seocracy article by email directly to your inbox! Click here for the registration form. Example: For someone who is currently unemployed, an interview with a recruitment service can bring much more pressure, stress and financial worries than for someone who has a permanent contract and a secure income. This example shows very well that each defined buyer persona you work with has very different needs and problems and therefore needs its own customer journey map .
For the example, this would mean that a recruiter should best treat the person a little Special Data more sensitively and empathetically in order to provide a satisfactory service. Steps in the customer journey map Emotional state of the customer journey map Emotional state and intensity of steps in the customer journey map Step 7: Stay with your customer Once you have comprehensively developed your customer journey map, it is time to analyze the various steps and touchpoints. Depending on what exactly you offer, how your market is structured and who your target group is, customer journey .

It is also important to keep in mind that a customer journey map can only ever form the average for one type of customer that your buyer persona represents. This way you can identify and, ideally, improve the most important points that are crucial for this type of customer. But no matter what exactly a particular step or touchpoint is about: What's crucial is that you always start from your customer's perspective and try to see your company and its impact through their eyes .