The total amount of sales is indicated: subtracting returns and discounts. The gross profit is calculated , that is, from the previous point the costs that influenced the products to reach the final consumer are subtracted. Sales operating expenses are determined: sum of rent, advertising , services, among others. Operating profit is calculated by subtracting gross profit minus sales operating expenses. Financial income is added : these are those that are not related to the product or service offered but rather to income such as bank loans or government support. Financial expenses are subtracted : it corresponds to the interest paid on the loan, other expenses that are not specified are also subtracted and other undefined income is added.
With the above, the result before tax is obtained. The income tax Telegram Number Data is calculated: which depends on the profits and the laws in force in the entity in which the company operates. The net profit is obtained : The income tax is subtracted from the result before income tax. And ready! I leave you here these 3 contents, read them after you finish: Discover what a KPI is and learn how it can help you measure your marketing results How results are measured in digital marketing How long does SEO take to bring results? We support you in answering this complex question Why is the income statement important for your company.

This is of vital importance because it is an element of support for the management of any business, since it provides valuable information that allows efficient strategic planning to obtain results in the short, medium and long term. Rooting its importance in that: It makes an accurate evaluation and reflects the profitability of a company and its ability to produce profits. The above helps to know how resources can be optimized to maximize profits. Measures the operating performance of a company in a given period. It makes it easier to determine the distribution of dividends in a better way. It allows you to estimate cash flows, since it facilitates the projection of sales more accurately by having it as a basis.