But how do you make sure your website takes full advantage of the CDN? The good news is that the Elementor Hosting CDN comes preconfigured with optimal settings for most starter online shops. As your business grows, you can fine-tune the settings according to your specific needs. Elementor Hosting offers an intuitive interface to adjust your advanced cache settings right from your WordPress Dashboard, under the Hosting tab.
For an in-depth guide on how to C Level Contact List configure these settings, visit our official documentation. There you can find detailed explanations and step-by-step instructions on how to get started and maximize your WooCommerce store’s performance with advanced caching. Caching & WooCommerce: Striking the Right Balance Optimizing WooCommerce stores for maximum performance requires striking the right balance between caching and dynamic content display. With Elementor Hosting’s advanced built-in caching feature, shop owners can fine tune their settings to get the best of both worlds. Key Points to Consider.

Clearing Cache: If you see the recent changes you made while previewing on the editor but they aren’t showing up on the actual URL even though you published it, don’t worry; the preview link and the actual URL of pages are different from each other and it means that caching is working perfectly, and you are seeing the cached version of your page on the actual URL as it should be. To see your changes, click “Clear Posts Cache” in your WordPress Admin Top Bar. Clearing the cache will delete the previous version of your pages saved on CDN servers. Setting The Right Cache Frequency: It’s also important to consider how often to have your cache cleared.