How exactly will they be penalized? They will be positioned below on the results page . pop-ups: displaying a pop-up that covers the content , either as soon as the user accesses the site, or while browsing the pages; displaying an ad that the user must close to access the site's content; displaying an advertisement above the content on the page. bad interstitials But not all pop-ups are penalized, those that are legal (eg cookie policies or age verification), electronic payment boxes and confidential logins , or banners that do not take up much space on the screen can be still used, if they are used responsibly. good interstitials All these measures have a well-defined role: to make the experience of mobile users easier and more accessible. 2.
Facebook introduced new functionalities for slideshow ads slideshow_fb Slideshow is a tool from Facebook that allows you to create a video from a set of images or an existing video. Initially, this type of ad was used in areas where internet speed was low, but now slideshow ads represent a Phone Number Data faster and more economical way to create an ad, with a greater visual impact than an ad with a static image. What the new functionalities bring: you can add text or predefined templates ; you can add sound (from a Facebook playlist) and, soon, you will be able to upload your own song; you can make the slideshow directly from your mobile phone ; you have access to the Pages Photo Library , where you can choose.

from hundreds of free images; automatic conversion of a video into a slideshow – 10 representative images from the video are chosen for its creation. Ideal for delivering advertisements in areas with low internet speed. See here how you can create a slideshow advertisement. 3. From now on you can play solitaire and tic-tac-toe directly from Google Search If you are a fan of the classic solitaire or tic-tac-toe games , Google has announced that they will be able to be played directly from Search , both on desktop and mobile.