Additionally, personalized jewelry can be made for those who want a unique and special piece of jewelry. Web Design by The End Chik On the web design level, black and white are used, these colors give a sense of elegance and sophistication. To add a pop of color to necklaces and bracelets, we experimented with precious and semi-precious stones. The website is also an online store, so if users like a certain piece of jewelry, they can purchase it without any problem.
The End Chik makes jewelry for women and Antarctica Email List men, but it also makes 100% personalized jewelry. Another detail worth highlighting is that the packaging can be given as a gift to a special someone or family member.In addition, it has a section on the blog where customers wish to tell about their experiences and new creations. Since The End Chik is targeting the United States, the website is produced in both English and Spanish.

When it comes to online marketing, having a presence on social networks, customers want to be on Instagram because their products are very visual and Instagram is currently the most fashionable social network for images. This way you can display all your jewelry, necklaces and bracelets as well as new pieces. Since it is a multilingual website and the main target audience is in the United States, work has been done on a web positioning or international SEO level to let Google know how to interpret what type of domain name it should choose based on the user's location.