I have been drawing PPTs, participating in bidding, customer communication and product demonstrations, constantly responding to the needs of different customers and quickly sorting out plans and quotations. It was about mid- that I became somewhat of a product manager. It’s already when I truly became a product manager.
Through practice and exploration, I slowly understood the responsibilities and significance of the position of pro Netherlands Phone Numbers 10 Million List duct manager, and experienced the product stages - and - The team was expanding, and I changed from a product manager to a product director. During business trips all over the world, I was doing research and development, delivering, leading the team, growing, and falling into anxiety.

I left my last company in March this year and grew with this company for seven and a half years. I remember that when I first joined, the company had people. When I left, it had grown to , Looking back on my own experience, in the standard software engineering system, I have done product, demand, project manager, development, testing, and pre-sales, so I can look at the same thing from the perspective of different positions, and can also compete with each other.