Maybe because your database isn't divided into segments, maybe instead you're a little too enthusiastic about the new marketing automation software, the fact is that prospects are annoyed by the amount of messages they receive from you, far too many! The solution Send fewer emails, but make sure they are strategic. When it comes to your contact database, it's best to focus on quality, rather than quantity. It's better to have a smaller volume of leads with high levels of interaction than a huge list of recipients who don't even open emails, right.
Of course, because quality leads will become your customers much more likely than others! So make sure that wedding photo editing service every message you send offers enough value to your contacts that they can't help but click and find out more. You are only automating email marketing campaigns The problem Use marketing automation software solely for sending emails or little else. The solution Take advantage of all the features offered by the platform and maximize your results. Recurring and repetitive tasks, even if they don't take much time, add up to a lot of effort: social media posts and contact information updates, to name just a couple, are all tasks.

Strategies and site optimization. Only the marketing department uses the platform The problem Marketing automation software is set up to just relieve marketers from managing emails, social media, and contacts. The solution Switch to a "smarketing" approach to help your company grow as a whole and start making all departments use the platform, starting with sales. Which sales processes could be facilitated thanks to their automation? For example, you could activate notifications to alert the salesperson when a lead visits a certain section of the site the product catalog or price list so that they are aware of it in the next phone call or email.