Email in 1 minute: The amount of mail sent to me in 1 minute. If sent in letters, it would be as much as our Indian Post sends in 5 years. That means 150 million mails. Hey friend, even the government changes in our country every 5 years. Facebook in 1 minute: Have you ever thought how much happens on Facebook in 1 minute? If you did not think then we will tell you. Every single minute 701389 people log in. There are 4.6 million likes and 1.3 million posts. In 1 minute on Twitter: 347,222 tweets are made on Twitter in 1 minute. If you add all the tweets on Twitter in 1 minute, 13.6 copies of the Holy Bible can be prepared. 140 characters.
In 1 minute on Snapchat: If all the Snaps posted on Snapchat in 1 minute are converted into a 22mm reel, the length of the Lord Of The Rings Trilogy. 527760 snaps are posted on Snapchat in 1 minute. On WhatsApp in 1 minute: It took 1 minute. If the internet is shut down Albania WhatsApp Number then know what effect it will have on WhatsApp. 1,38,000 voice messages, 4,8000 photos, 20,800,000 messages will not be able to be sent on WhatsApp. On Tinder in 1 minute : 972222 swipes will not happen on Tinder if the internet is shut down for 1 minute. YouTube in 1 minute: 1 minute YouTube's content scanner won't scan as many videos when the internet is down. In that time the world war could end three times. That means YouTube scans 146,000 hours of video in 1 minute. Effect on world economy due to 1 minute internet shutdown.

If the internet goes down for 1 minute YouTube will suffer a loss of Rs 7.14 lakh. Facebook will suffer a loss of Rs 22.85 lakh. Google will suffer a loss of Rs 93.81 lakh. There will be a loss of Rs 5.38 crore due to non-cash transactions. There will be no transaction of Rs 1072.4 crore on Global Stock Exchange. In this time, Shahjahan could have built 5 Taj Mahals and that too in different countries. So the next time one of your friends or family says, “What difference will it make if the internet is shut down for 1 minute?” So you can share this post with him. my thoughts If the internet connection of the entire world goes down for 1 minute then there may be some disruption, but during this period the world will be able to shift all its activities to other mediums. The internet shutdown will have the biggest impact on online businesses, financial markets, and electronic currency exchange markets. If the Internet goes down for a minute, these businesses may suffer losses due to the inability to transact and communicate during that period.