The allow us to experience new things nor seek new paths. Social networks cell phones and mobile devices are as addictive for the brain as Cocaine because they activate a zone of promise of pleasure Exercises to make your Brain more Productive 1. Play sports Listen to Music Write and tell stories Relaxation yoga etc. Do totally new things. In conclusion the brain is an essential element for our professional success but the Mind is the key to making your dreams come true it must be trained with positive energy it must be risky and above all it must have the mental strength to guide the brain to Make decisions that allow you to leave your comfort zone and require you to find new insights to achieve creativity and innovation .
Now we want to leave you this gift here you can download the book Agilely. topic How do you squeeze your brain to be more successful Leave us your comment it will USA Phone Number List surely be very useful to many people who are looking to be more creative. This conference by Estanislao Bachrach at TED is masterful on the topic of the Brain. How we come up with ideas Estanislao Bachrach at TEDxRosario Facebook Twitter LinkedIn WhatsApp Pinterest EMail Former.
What is content marketing Following 7 Marketing Purposes for COMMENTS viviana molina Excellent article It is surprising how our brain is unlimited. The limits are in us February PMReply Fabian Guerra interesting since it allowed me to learn a little more about the functions of the brain and even the mind which I believed were the same or that they worked in the same way but when reading this writing they are so different In our daily lives we keep in mind that our brain is mechanized to what we do all the time but the mind machines other ways of living and exploring the world our brain as it is well explained is the connection.