If you have any questions or need answers, you are very welcome to contact us here on our website, where you can fill in our contact form. How do you best protect yourself from trolls on the Internet? It can be difficult to come up with a precise answer to what you need to do to get rid of a troll on the Internet. This is because it is a real person who is behind the trolling.
Some trolls may continue to harass and create new WhatsApp Number List profiles, while others simply stop when blocked or otherwise. To get rid of a troll on the internet, you should first of all make your profile private so that people you are not friends with do not have the opportunity to comment on your stuff. In this way, you will protect your account against possible trolling. see Stay far away from debates on public channels. In many cases, trolling will take place in forums where there is debate on a topic such as Religious questions etc.
Here you will almost always be able to find a troll who is to blame for the debate developing explosively and unnecessarily. Therefore, they should always ignore these debates on e.g. Facebook if you don't want to be contacted by a so-called troll. Is a troll dangerous? There is basically nothing dangerous about an internet troll, and you should not be afraid if trolling takes place in your message. In the vast majority of cases, it's just a person sitting in front of the screen and bored.