Likewise, ice creams and jams, as well as other activities such as gardening complete the company's almost 14.5 million euros in turnover. These good results also translate into an increase in the number of employees. At the end of 2013, the company had 277 employees, of which 154 are certified mentally or intellectually disabled. The future of La Fageda involves the launch of increasingly specific products, aimed at a select target of adults with culinary.
Gastronomic knowledge. A good example of this type of commercial expansion is its jams, which currently have 16 varieties of sophisticated flavors and 4 families for pairing on the market. These are designed to be combined with rice, pasta moible number data and salads to create unique dishes and all of them are made with the best quality fruits and vegetables. Only this division of La Fageda employs 22 people in 2015. In short, the work model that has led La Fageda to become one of the reference companies.

The Spanish State involves promoting the specialization of work according to the abilities of each employee, the creation of quality products capable of exceeding expectations of customers and the application of continuous expansion plans, both at the facility and product level, which guarantee the continuous evolution of the brand. Following these premises, La Fageda has managed to become a benchmark in the production of theCurrently.