So, for example, let’s say that your branded
In fact, it seems as though the only keywords that consistently score 7-10’s are branded terms.quality score Branded terms are a slam dunk for many reasons. Firstly, it’s easy to create super-relevant ads and landing pages for these keywords, as your brand should appear regularly throughout your ad copy and website.Even better, the people who are searching your branded terms likely have strong Greece WhatsApp Number Data intent; they know exactly what company they’re looking for so they’re apt to click on your ads and have high engagement rates on your website.While these keywords maybe be the holy grail for high Quality Scores, you certainly don’t want to limit your ad visibility to people who already know of and are looking for your brand. That said, you can leverage the power of these branded keywords to impact the Quality Scores of non-branded terms.
Here’s how the hack works – create keywords that are a combination of branded and non-branded terms. Set the non-branded term to modified broad (using + signs), but leave the branded term on broad. Using this technique will allow your ads to show when people search combinations of your non-branded terms—your branded terms do not have to be present. term is Havaianas and your non-branded terms are neon flip flops.