First meeting between Sánchez and Iglesias after the
The acting president of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, and the leader of Unidas Podemos, Pablo Iglesias, in the Moncloa palace. Sánchez begins a consultation with the rest of the leaders of the political groups represented in the Lower House just a few days after the results of the general elections are known. On May 7, at the Moncloa Palace, the first meeting between the general secretaries of the PSOE and Unidas Podemos takes place. According to El País , Sánchez seemed willing to cede "minor" ministerial portfolios to Pablo Iglesias, but never those of State—Interior, Defense, Foreign Affairs—nor Treasury or Labor. There is talk at first of Youth, Industry or even the presidency of Congress, which finally ended up in the hands of the socialist Meritxell Batet.
Regional and European: disaster of Podemos A person voting in the European elections of 26M. Everything changes on this date. When the electoral results of the municipal, regional and European elections are known in the early hours of May 26 to 27, the socialists are once again the winners but the left has lost important bastions such as the Madrid Middle East Phone Number ListCity Council, where Manuela Carmena governed. The possibilities of achieving a progressive majority in regional parliaments such as that of the Community of Madrid itself, whose investiture remains blocked to this day, are also receding . This regional Chamber is essential for something: just a few months ago one of the co-founders of Podemos was removed from the party for running in the regional elections in a candidacy called Más Madrid.
Podemos urges the PSOE to negotiate again as soon as possible: "There is no reason to wait until September" Más Madrid ends up getting much more representation in the Madrid Assembly than Podemos. Those from Iglesias come out of these elections very weakened. As a result, Sánchez lets three weeks pass without picking up a phone and speaking directly to Iglesias. In this period of time, Sánchez does abound in the media that the situation has changed and that Unidas Podemos must reconsider its position when reaching an agreement to form a coalition government. 11th of June. There will be no coalition government: Sánchez and Iglesias agree that there will be "cooperation" Pedro Sánchez, after the meeting of the European Council.