This concept which has become central is the reason why Google
of your pages. man surfing the web We must also think in terms of user experience (UX):tends to promote more intuitive and better constructed sites. For Internet users to have a satisfactory experience, it is estimated that they must be able to access any information in a maximum of 3 clicks. Beyond that, the experience is considered frustrating and disappointing for a potential customer who risks turning their back on you.Mobile optimization : According to the 2019 report, 37.4 million Email Data French people use their smartphone daily and 4 out of 10 Internet users browse the web exclusively via their smartphone. It is therefore important that your website is responsive (adaptable to different technological media) so as not to miss out on the traffic generated by fans of the vertical screen. Authentic and relevant content To be favored by search engine algorithms, content must be qualitative.
There's no point trying to circumvent the rule and fool Googlebot because you won't fool Internet users! Quality content is pleasant to read, attractive and above all useful. This also implies that the subject covered must not be a simple copy of another article, in which case it would have no added value and will therefore have little visibility on search engines. Show your uniqueness and provide your website users with unique and interesting content.