How to add a photo to Instagram
Don't rush to roll your eyes, exclaiming: "Content for dummies has arrived!" Although the article is written for beginners, a rare experienced Instagram* user has used ALL the described methods of publishing photos. Meanwhile, some of them have been undeservedly forgotten.
Let's shake the dust off them.
How to post a photo in an insta post*
Option one, which is also the simplest:
Open the application and click on the plus sign at the bottom of the screen.
Select a photo from the gallery and click “Next”.
You can also take a new photo and post it.
Then you can edit the photo in the app: apply a filter or manually drag the basic parameters. When everything is ready, click “Next”.
Before publishing an image, write a text for it, mark the place, people (underline the necessary). When you're done, click the "Share" button and tadaam! The publication has been added to the Instagram feed*.
Option two: send a photo to Instagram* directly from your phone's gallery or another wordpress web design agency app. It's impossible to write a step-by-step guide, since phones have different interfaces. But the principle is always the same: select a photo, find the "Share" button, select Instagram*, and then add the photo to your feed, chat, or Story.
How to post multiple photos on Instagram at once* A post of several photos that can be scrolled through is called a carousel. This format is convenient for posting thematic photos and collections.
To publish several photos at once on Instagram*:
Step 1: Open the app, click on the plus button at the bottom of the screen.
Step 2: Click on the slideshow icon to select the desired photos from the gallery.
Note: one post on Instagram* can contain up to 10 photos or videos.
Step 3. Edit the images if necessary. You can either apply a common filter to all photos at once or edit each one individually by clicking on the desired photo.
Step 4. Write the text, add geolocation, tag friends in the photo if necessary. Now you can publish.
And again, a note: images in the carousel can be rearranged or removed from the list. To change the order of an image, hold it and move it to the desired location.
How to publish a photo on Instagram* in full sizeWhen you select a photo for a post, click on the icon with frames. It is in the lower left corner of the image.
After clicking on it, the photo will return to its original size. You can also hold the photo with two fingers and crop it.
Keep in mind that square images or those with an aspect ratio of 4:5 (vertical rectangle) look best on Instagram*. And images in 16:9 format, like on a computer, look narrow and visually stand out from the feed.
How to add a photo to an instagram story*
Step 1. Go to the application. If you are on the home page, click on the avatar thumbnail with a plus sign in the upper left corner. If on your profile page, click on the avatar.
Step 2. Get creative. The story editor is now open. Take a photo or select an image from your mobile device gallery.