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Celebrate your unity while promoting your business. Or just provide ideas on how to commemorate the day. April Marketing Ideas Siblings Day If applicable, run a buy-two-get-one-free promotion for siblings. Or you can simply take a photo of all your brothers and sisters coming to your location and post it on social media to celebrate. April Marketing Ideas Brothers and Sisters Day Speaking of promoting your business… check out our free guide to learn the best ways to promote your business (with or without money). Boston Marathon has a team based in Boston, so we're big supporters of the marathon, but you don't have to be local to support it. Show your support for local athletes who are running or traveling with their families to run marathons.
Fitness centers across the country should show their support to marathon runners. Local restaurants Gambling Number can offer "carb-packed" pre-marathon meals, and massage parlors can offer discounts to runners. Administrative Professionals Day Be sure to thank your support staff on Administrative Professionals Day. This is a great way to personalize your business and brand on social media and blogging. Highlight the work your support staff do for your business and interview them on your blog or video. Customers who interact with support will love seeing them in the spotlight! April Marketing Ideas Executive Professionals Day Get more April social media holidays and ideas to fill your calendar here! National Grilled Cheese Day Everyone loves a grilled cheese sandwich, so you should definitely find a way to incorporate a National Grilled Cheese Day post into your feed—whether you own a restaurant or not! Learn how these non-food related businesses can come into play: April Marketing Ideas National Grilled Cheese First Day April Marketing Ideas National Grilled Cheese Day National High Five Day On National High Five Day, get some customers involved and ask them to display Pose and tag them.
They may repost it on their feed, giving you more exposure. April Marketing Ideas High Five Days You can also create engaging posts that invite customers to tag someone they want to give a virtual high five to. April Marketing Ideas Virtual High Five Or give a virtual high five or say a special thank you to a customer, vendor or even a cause you support. April Marketing Ideas High Five If you’d like, consider running a promotion that aligns with the numbers…it doesn’t have to be all about the actual high five! April Marketing Ideas High Five Days of Pizza Take Your Kids to Work Day If you have kids, take them to work on this day and tell your customers about it. This is a great way to teach your children about starting and running a business and inspire them to follow their dreams.